Honeywell WEBs Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practices Seminar
Honeywell WEBs Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practices Seminar
This is a 3-day classroom seminar intended for Honeywell WEBs contractors. It is presented by a Honeywell Contractor Development Specialist. The seminar is an extensive review of known Best Practices and answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Honeywell WEBs building automation systems. The purpose is to improve contractor efficiency by helping to reduce labor hours for engineering, programming, checkout and testing, and to improve customer satisfaction by implementing best practices that provide a superior user experience.
The information is mostly technical in nature and is intended primarily for WEBs application engineers, programmers and technicians. Attendees should have Niagara AX and/or Niagara N4 certification and have certification for Honeywell LON and/or BACnet Spyder programming.
It is expected that all participants have a good working knowledge of both WEBs and Spyders.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Browser access tips
- WebStation / Workbench including N4
- Station programming including graphics, alarms, and reporting tips
- Drivers including LON & BACnet setup and troubleshooting
- Controller tips including CIPers, Spyders & Strykers
Attendees should bring computers with access to Workbench/Webstation and/or remote access to jobs. The majority of the seminar is in lecture format. The class structure is not formal, so please bring your questions.
Attendees will receive access to the latest F.A.Q. & Best Practices document in electronic format.
- N4 Certified
- Honeywell HCI Partner